90-day Free Trial
No matter if you’re new to benssur or just looking to try something new, we’ve got you covered!
What is 90-day Free Trial?
Our 90-day free trial lets you try our products in the comfort of your home for up to 90 days. If you’re not satisfied, you can return it for a full refund—no strings attached! This trial is designed to give you total confidence when exploring our products. Buy it, try it, and if it’s not the perfect fit, simply return it for a full refund.
*Our policy is here to help you shop confidently for the products you love—not for bulk buying similar items just to compare and return most of them. We review returns case-by-case and may decline those that abuse the policy, like frequent or bulk returns. Let’s keep it fair so we can best serve everyone!
How it Works?
It’s super simple! No catch, no loopholes! Simply buy and use any product to its maximum potential, and you can return it anytime between 14 to 90 days after receiving it. We ask you to keep the item for at least 14 days because sometimes a new piece needs a bit of time to find its perfect spot in your space. If you’re still not entirely happy with it after 14 days, just let us know and we’ll initiate the return process for you!
For customers in the metro areas of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Perth, we’ll arrange a free pickup from your place. For other customers, we kindly ask that you arrange your own delivery to one of our designated warehouses.
And that’s it! You can then just sit back and wait for your full refund. Please refer to the 90-day free trial section in our Terms if you want more details.
Want to return something? Use our customer request form.